Tuesday, July 9, 2013

9 months

9 months ago today we adopted Emily! She is still our favorite thing to wake up to every morning, and everyones favorite thing throughout the day, and the one that gets her face kissed off before she goes to bed. She is still sleeping so amazingly well. We are so beyond thrilled with that. She is such a happier baby too.  At nine months home, Emily's favorite things are:

 Walks around the block although the stroller is waning in popularity, she used to love it a lot.

 Being outside is always the best! If she spies someone going outside without her, oh my watch out. Her tantrums are the only thing about her that is 2!
 The swing set is the best! I love her end of the day hair. And her morning hair. All of her hair!
 Peek-a-boo. At all times.

We left Em for the first time with our girls for longer than a few minutes. We went to a conference for our church, and were gone for about 3 hours. About 20 minutes into the conference, I got this text from Lily. We laughed and laughed about it. She was well taken care of!
This little chicken will find water. The local splash pad is so perfect for her. She loves it. The other evening we were outside and the neighbors sprinklers came on and she was in them faster than fast. She loves water!!
 4th of July! Loved the fireworks and of course more swimming.
 Em LOVES her sisters. Each one is so wonderful with her and to her. Lily walks her. Everywhere, all the time. When no one else will walk with Em, Lily will.
Chloe sings to her and plays hide and seek. Emily loves to play, and Chloe gives her lots of play time.
 Austri is her other mother. Austri makes her laugh harder than anyone. Austri is also the only person next to dad that gets hugs.
Our favorite thing TODAY is that Emily started WALKING!!! She just up and walked across the room to daddy! AMAZING!! She is a darn heavy little tiny, and her walking is going to be so nice!

What a blessing this girl has been to our family. We love her more than we can say. She is just the coolest thing ever.  We really got her from new born on. She couldn't even hold her head up when they handed her over to us. It was so scary! There were a lot of unknowns with her. The only thing we knew was that she was meant to be out daughter. Everything else would have to sort itself out.
We cannot believe how far she's come. All the way around, she's about at a 12 month old level. In all of her therapies, she was soooo delayed, they all placed her at newborn status. She is doing amazingly well! There is still a lot to do, but she's progressing just beautifully and we have no reason at all to believe that she won't be completely caught up in another year.  It's been fun to get to witness all of her stages.

The Boy on the other hand is at his age level already. It's going to be a whole other story with him. He can walk and talk and hear, and he understands Chinese, and he is very aware. It's going to be different but oh my we cannot wait. Our documents are on their way to China. We didn't get the June LID that I was so hoping for, but we will get a July date. This means that the soonest we can possibly travel will be November, but we'll take it. Let's just get him home.