Friday, March 16, 2012


Today we got our first referral! I was texting my brother when I saw the name of my agency on caller ID. I was so nervous!! I don't know why. The conversation went very much like I expected it to, only I sort of knew right away that this little girl was not ours. Our agency emailed us the file of this most beautiful little chicken. She's so precious. It was emotional. More than I thought it would be. I was very sad that it was one little girl, and not two. I was sad that this baby needs a mom and dad so very much, and I am saying no to her. That's awful. I hope that Heavenly Father told me to say no because her real mama is coming for her. I know that God in mindful of all of those little orphans. I know He is involved in my adoption as well. It is so hard to proceed with faith. I need more of it for sure! I so feel that there are specific kids that are meant to be in my family, and I need to find them. I pray so often for help that I will know my kids when I receive their referral. Oh, sometimes a crystal ball would be nice! This has been a difficult day. I hope for no more of these.

1 comment:

  1. I loved seeing your comment on my blog!!! Of course I remember you...among other things, I have the world's most beautiful engagement and bridal pictures to prove I do!!!! I have been catching up on your life and especially your adoption story...what a journey! I feel INCREDIBLY blessed to have seen both sides of bringing a family together...both biologically and through adoption. It has strengthened my testimony so much of eternal families. I was TERRIFIED about the part of adoption where I had to "know" my child...and yet it was the sweetest most perfect moment. People kept telling us we would just know and that freaked me out but you know what? It is exactly how it happened. The Lord knows each of his small children and has a plan for them...saying "no" to this child DOES mean there is another family waiting desperately for her. You will know your just will. Good luck...and keep blogging. You are in my prayers!
