I can't believe we've almost been home 1 year. A year ago at this time we had travel dates and were packing up and getting everything ready to go get our girl! My goodness we love her so much!
At 11 months home, we have a spoiled little (I mostly blame Lily) who knows what she wants. She's signing a ton, rarely cries, sleeps like something out of a dream with unicorns in it, and is the cutest funnest thing in our house!
She runs non stop! It's always go go go go! She has never been more pleased with her life than she is right now. She is all over the place constantly! She doesn't want to stop for any reason! I was filling out a paper for China describing her progression since we got her and MAN! That poor sick weak little thing has come such a long way. Her development is coming right along brilliantly.
Our awesome therapists that come to our house are coming to an end as on paper Em is turning 3. Such a bummer. She's really only just recently 2, but what is there to be done? This conundrum is to be part of who she is forever. She will be the 30 year old that is really only 29!
So as her birthday rolls around, we will celebrate HER instead of a number. She is worth so many celebrations daily! We love this girl more than we ever thought would be possible. She is amazing, and wonderful, and cute and fun!! She has her US passport and come what may, she's heading back to China to collect her brother. I think she's going to be thrown for a loop but it will be wonderful, once were home. I can't wait to be HOME with all of my babies under 1 roof!
When we went to China for Em, I was so nervous! Scared half silly would be accurate. The reality of being handed over a baby with some serious special needs, and she would forever after be MINE overwhelmed me a lot. This time around, I am so excited! I'm going to really enjoy China. I loved it last trip, but I was so concerned for Em and just wanted to get her home and get her healthy that I wished away my days there, and just couldn't get home soon enough. I cannot WAIT to get my little boy, special needs and all, I. CAN'T. WAIT!!! I am so head over heels in love with him already. I know-ish what I'm in for this time, and it's going to be marvelous.
She is beautiful, as are you. Can't wait to meet him! Love you!