Monday, September 26, 2011

Home Visit take II

Our home visit was great! Best part about it, every room, and closet in my whole house was so clean!! It was the best! The social worker was so nice, and totally put us at ease. She actually got permission, very reluctantly, to only have to meet with us twice. Awesome! So we spent the better part of the day together, and it counted for 3 visits. She was great. The girls got to come home for lunch and interview with her. I got to listen from the other room to their interview. They're so funny. They were so nervous and just really wanted to give the perfect answers. They told her that they were pretty sure they knew about 2 people that aren't caucasian. 2?? Some of their best friends in the world are Asian, and there are 7 of them alone!! I totally had to laugh. Ya, there might not be loads of diversity in our cute little city, but there are for sure more than 2! I'm glad it's over, I won't be so nervous for the next one, and the next 10 that we have post-placement. So, I have a small stack of paperwork and what-not that I have to write, fill-out, send away, what have you, and I'm thinking that we'll be ready to start notarizing this stuff by the end of October. I'm hoping to be right on target to be finished with everything by Thanksgiving! I would love to have everything to our agency by then. I hope I hope I hope!!

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