Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Waiting is hard. I have spent some portion of every day, for the past 4 months doing something to progress our adoption. Now, it's just waiting. It's hard, and I'm feeling thankful almost that I'm not matched with my girls yet. It's hard enough knowing that they are in an orphanage, and who knows what they are and aren't getting. It would be really hard knowing knowing who they were, and realizing that I had months of waiting ahead of me. Some days, I don't know why, I feel them so strongly. I can't get them out of my head, and out of my heart. They are ready to have a mom and a dad. I think back a few years to when I was having multiple miscarriages, and feeling that I wouldn't be having any more children. I felt them then. I didn't know it though, they weren't even born yet. I knew in my heart of hearts that there were more children for us, however, my body was not cooperating with that effort. I knew they were there a couple of years later when I couldn't even get pregnant again. I didn't know where they were going to come from, but I felt them, and knew they were there. I love adoption so much. It's my favorite topic these days. I've always loved adoption stories. I can't wait until my story has some faces behind it, and is a little bit longer. I love those girls, I can't wait to bring them home!! Until then, we wait. We wait for our government, we wait for their government, we wait for seals, and visas, and endless paperwork. We wait, and so do our girls.

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