Saturday, February 18, 2012

From Bad to Worse to Rabies!

Yesterday was emotionally exhausting! I came home from my friends house, got looking at laundry and forgot to pick up A from school. I got her home and was talking to her and forgot to pick up the babies from school! When we drove up my parents were here with my cute little brother that just moved home from back east! My house was TRASHED!! So embarrassing. My make-up was mostly cried off, and I cried as I told them about my day, then there was a knock at the door and the blessed UPS guy was there with my sealed I-797C! Yay, this day was looking up. I opened it to show my family and lo and behold, it was not my I-797C, it was some guy's expunged criminal record!! Are you kidding me?? These are very serious documents!! Of course the courier's office was closed but she got a sobbing message from me. Just after I hung up with her, CCAI called me to say "Yay, your dossier is complete and ready to send to China as soon as we get your immigration paperwork!!" Waaaaaaaaaaaa!

Meanwhile, my kids ran in the house telling me that there was an aggressive dog in the front yard. What?? My mom and I decided that the dog was rabid and promptly called the police. I called my friend next door to tell her to keep her kids in the house, this dog was foaming!! The little girl from next door called me back to say that she thinks the dog belongs across the street. They have a dog? I gave her a call. They do have a dog. Then I had to call the police back and tell them the rabid dog had a home, and was just extra drooly, never mind. Oh brother!!!! At that point, we were too exhausted to do anything but laugh!

I went out to dinner with my neighbor/ friend/ therapist for the day, and while I was there, the courier called me to say that they had my document in hand, and would same day it to my agency, and gave me instructions to return the other document that I had received. My blood vessels were broken all around my eyes, my head was pounding, I was so exhausted.

My passion takes over more often than not. I need to reign that in a little, or a lot. Living life with passion is awesome! I find joy and beauty and fun in everything, but as such I'm also prone to disappointment. Oh well, I'll take it. When I was talking to my cute little A about how this day had gone down she said "Imagine it Mom! Imagine it, and it will happen." As I prayed so hard last night to makes heads or tails of this day, that was the answer that I received. Keep on keeping on. Proceed with faith. God is in charge, and He knows us, and is acutely aware of our situation, and knows what is best for our family. Enjoy this journey. Leave the neighborhood dogs alone, they aren't really rabid anyway.

1 comment:

  1. Ettie you are very inspiring. I really admire your faith, patience and zeal in your quest to bring these babies home! Keep writting, I love hearing about it.
