Thursday, October 11, 2012


 Walmart in Zhengzhou is sort of similar to our Walmart. We both have fish and chicken,

We both have Lays potato chips in delicious varieties,

We both have cute babies hanging out in strollers! So, we're pretty similar then. 

 We went back to the super cool park after the Walmart excursion and naps. I love that park, and I'm so going to miss it when we leave Zhengzhou.

 China is a really cool place. There is a lot that I love about it. The culture is amazing and the people are so kind. There is great pride here, and we are so thankful to be connected in a small way called Emily.


  1. This is random, but I was blog surfing and ended up here, congratulations! She is beautiful!
    I was reading another blog and they adopted from somewhere in Asia, too. When they picked her up they shopped for 16 small gifts for her, so that every birthday till she is 16 she will get a little souvenir, purse, necklace, etc. I thought that was a way fun idea. Just in case you hadn't heard of that one!

  2. That is a great idea from Kirsten! I love the walmart pictures, it's so funny how different the same things are. Little Emily is super cute. I am excited for you guys to return. It sounds like things are going pretty smoothly and I'm so happy for you!!
